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1. Your brows may ooze plasma after your appointment. This is normal! Use the gauze i’ve Provided in your kit + wet it with water + gently blot your brows. do not let ooze dry.
2. wash your brows with aftercare soap at your sink (NOT shower): A) Wash hands B) Get TINY bit of soap & wash in the direction of hair. It’s a LIGHT swipe, just to help remove excess oil, oozing etc. NO circles or scrubbing C.) RINSE THOROUGHLY. Cup hands with water and rinse to make sure all soap is removed. E.) Pat dry with clean paper towel and move to next step

3. Apply balm morning and night for 10 days. RICE GRAIN amount will cover BOTH brows.

4..Do not get your brows wet other than washing This includes shower, sweating, sauna, hot tub, ETC. Please try to use your faceguards I have provided. I provide them for a reason.

5. Wash morning+ night and apply balm for 10 days

6. No direct sunlight for 2 weeks. No working out (yes even if you think you won’t sweat. No picking or scratching.

7. NO MAKEUP, LOTION, FACE WASH, SERUM, SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER Etc can touch them for two weeks.



1. Refrain from soaking your lips in water for a week and from applying makeup to them. Make sure to brush your teeth with your mouth wide-open trying to avoid touching the paste and water. Eat carefully also trying to not touch or smudge your lips, it might affect healed results. Alcohol, hot and colorful drinks are only allowed to consume through the straw.

2. Refrain from using saunas and swimming pools, sweating excessively and sunbathing as your lips may loose the color or get hyperpigmented from sun exposure, especially if you naturally have more of dark melanin in your skin.

3. Do not peel any dry skin/ scabs! 

4. Keep the lips moisturized all the time with A&D ointment provided only (no vaseline, antibiotic creams, neosporin, etc.)

Day 1: Your skin will start slowly releasing lymph fluid right after your procedure. This is a common healing process for our bodies! 30 minutes after your appointment and throughout the first day from the procedure, keep wiping your lips with antiseptic wipes provided or cotton rounds and lukewarm water to minimize scabbing. Keep applying the ointment. The color will look the most vibrant today.

Day 2: The lips may still be a little swollen today. Make sure you keep them moisturized.

Day 3-7: Keep moisturizing with A&D as needed! Some light flaking or peeling may occur- this is normal. Do not pick on any dry skin. After a few weeks: you will notice the actual healed results from your session

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